Douglas Trumbull

Begonnen von Filmgärtner, 10.02.22, 21:31

ᐊ vorheriges - nächstes ᐅ


10.02.22, 21:31 Letzte Bearbeitung: 19.02.22, 23:05 von Admin
Verstorben in Folge eines Schlaganfalls nach einer längeren Krebserkrankung.
Eine Art "Leonardo da Vinci des Films":

Douglas Trumbull in Zitaten:

"Special effects have gone all digital," he remarked during an interview withIndieWire last year. "As I watch a lot of these movies, my experience has been that I see mind-boggling things achieved by CGI, including flames and water, all kinds of spacecrafts and alien planets. The problem is that you give it about two years, look at it again, and think actually, this doesn't look as good as I thought. It doesn't age well. There's new stuff that gets better every year. I look back at the things I've done with miniatures and they've aged very beautifully. They still look as good today as they did then. They still look credible today even though they were made more than 50 years ago." (...)
"I always try to find an organic — or analog — solution instead of the knee-jerk reaction to use computer graphics," he told IGN last month. "The reason for this is: every time I try this, I get some delightful result that is, in some respects, unexpected. There are magical things that happen in nature — gravity, fluids, lighting — that one couldn't really design using computer graphics."
zit. aus:!

"Kubrick did not create the visual effects. He directed them," said Trumbull. "There was a certain level of inappropriateness to taking that Oscar. But the tragic aspect of it for me is it's the only Oscar Stanley Kubrick ever won. He was an incredibly gifted director and should have gotten something for directing and writing and what his real strength was — not special effects."
zit. aus:

Der Regisseur über seinen Film "Silent Running":

Zuletzt hatte er sich noch gegen die 2018 auf den Markt geworfenen "2001"-Versionen verwahrt: er verstehe nicht, dass man ihn nicht herangezogen hätte für die Restaurierung, denn er würde das Originalnegativ sehr gut kennen. Dabei sprach er berechtigterweise dem Regisseur Christopher Nolan das Beurteilungsvermögen für Bildqualitäten ab, übersah aber eventuell generelle, chemikalische Probleme der Entwicklungsprozesse moderner Kopierwerke, an denen auch Nolan und Warners Restaurierung-Chef Ned Price schlagartig nicht viel hätten ändern können:

"...I was kind of flabbergasted because I had a previous intimate relationship with Warner Bros. about 2001 because I was developing [a] documentary [about that film] for them. At the time, I said, 'I know where the original negative is of everything. I'm a guy who was on the set, working with Kubrick, and I'd love to contribute to any restoration you want to do.' Instead, they called Christopher Nolan and they did not call me. Go figure. It's all corporate. All about money."


Visual Effects in "Blade Runner" (technisch fehlerhaftes, zu dunkles, aber dennnoch hochinformatives Video):

Trumbull Studios mit Showscan-Kino und Kamerapark:

Trumbull über seine ästhetischen Visionen zu Robert Wise's "Star Trek - The Motion Picture":

Über Begrifflichkeit von Plot und story:

"Back to the Future - The Ride" (VFX beginnen ab 11:30):

Über 4 Jahrzehnte nach "2001" das alte Handwerk für "The Tree of Life" wiederbelebt:

Trumbull über "2001", "Back to the future - the ride" und HFR-Systeme:


14.04.22, 08:50 #1 Letzte Bearbeitung: 14.04.22, 09:10 von DCI sr.


Und Joshua Faust in der Douglas-Trumbull-Facebook-Gruppe fragt nach Vorführkopien aus dem Ouevre des Meisters:

May I ask whom to contact regarding Douglas Trumbull's archive films🏆 Can anyone in his family or close friends/colleagues confirm for me if Doug received a copy of every film he worked on🏆 I ask because I am searching for the Canadian Pavilion Expo86 short film that he worked on so the film canisters might still be in his estate's keeping.

The director of this short film wrote me saying that he has no idea where the film canisters are. It also seems there is no source data of what the poster looked like.

One of the producer's of this short film wrote to me stating that she does have a copy of it on vhs but she feels it's too grainy to preserve for archives  so she advised me to contact Doug.

So any info would be greatly appreciated🏆

I want to review this short film but I have no access to the video media to have a basic idea what the whole film is about.

Not even the museum in Canada in their archives has a copy of this short film.

I even asked the producer if she could just upload the audio and I have yet to receive a reply from her.

Archive media is Archive media no matter how grainy the footage  is so this is very unfortunate that "being grainy" is the reason not to upload this Treasure of a film for all who saw it and enjoyed it🌟

From my understanding with the short description, the theme is very similar to "Flight of the Navigator"


Relativ unbekannte Fotos von Trumbull während der Dreharbeiten von "Cose Encounters" und "2001":


Master class Douglas Trumbull:



Trumbull über THE MOON AND BEYOND:

Ausgezeichnete-Reportage über das Zeitalter der großen Filmformate.