Kinofilm Forum

F I L M G E S C H I C H T E => SAMMLUNGEN & ARCHIVE, KINEMATHEQUEN & MUSEEN => Thema gestartet von: Filmgärtner am 27.04.22, 20:28

Titel: National Media Museum, Bradford (U.K.)
Beitrag von: Filmgärtner am 27.04.22, 20:28
Zuvor unter den Namen National Museum of Photography,Film and Television (NMPFT) auftretend.

Es feierte 2021 seinen 25. Geburtstag (obwohl meines Wissens die ersten Widescreen- und Cinerama-Vorführungen 1991 stattfanden - selber bin ich dort 1992 zum ersten Mal zu Besuch gewesen). Gemeint ist aber die Anzahl der bisherigen WideScreen-Festivals.

die Laudatio hielt 2021 der Festival Gründer Bill Lawrence:

"Bill Lawrence, Founding Festival Director:

"25 years: a long time and many happy and crazy memories, and some not so good. The great thing about Widescreen Weekend is that it was a happy accident created by the fans and one programmer paying attention to who was turning up at the cinema. Without those people who believed in Cinerama and 70mm it wouldn't have happened. Without Willem Boumeester servicing IMAX projectors, Keith Swadkins and his International Cinerama Society newsletter then maybe Cinerama would never have been installed in Pictureville Cinema. Without John Harvey in the States, we would not have had a technical go-to person or a print of This is Cinerama that got it all going again in 1993, and without Johan Wolthuis and the International 70mm Newsletter we wouldn't have been plugged into a fantastic network of very knowledgeable widescreen fans around the world."