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CAV and CLV Criterion disc sets. CAV is 6 sides, including "specials" the CLV is 3 sides without specials. These sets both use the same transfer, done in 1988 by the Voyager companies' legendary Maria Groumbos Palazzola. This was transferred from a 35mm "anamorphic" source (at the time of this transfer there was no 65mm/70mm telecine equipment in existence). The transfer was done in association with Full Metal Jacket's editor, Martin Hunter and "dailies" of the transfer were sent to Stanley Kubrick in England. Kubrick faxed back comments and Palazzola has written that he required 6 runs through with changes before he would approve it. The transfer was "state of the art" for 1988, with good image detail, fairly low grain and good fidelity to Kubrick's detailed color scheme. Even today the Criterion transfer is worthwhile viewing and no version -- except the as-yet-unreleased (although broadcast) digital transfer from a new print supervised by Kubrick, using new technologies -- captures the deep black of Kubrick's space scenes as well.